
:closed_book: Source code of the interactive book, “Geometry Processing Algorithms”

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Geometry Processing Algorithms

Source code of the interactive book, “Geometry Processing Algorithms.”

Made with Idyll.

Currently, only one article on half-edge data structures is complete.


Make sure you have Idyll installed. Idyll can be installed with

npm install -g idyll

After installing Idyll, cd to each directory in the posts directory and run


to generate each post. It will also run a local server which will automatically reload the pages in your browser if you make any changes to the files. You can also run idyll in this directory to generate a nice index page which links to all the articles (but still requires that you generate each post beforehand).

To generate final versions of each post, run

idyll build --minify true

in each directory in posts.


Each article in posts has the following structure:

  • components contains custom React components that make up the visualizations
  • index.idyll contains the text content of the article

components/util/Mesh.js and components/util/Vec3.js are based on files provided for Assignment 7 in the UBC course CPSC 424.