
Wind turbine model including blades, nacelle, pitch and yaw actuation, generator and control system.


Wind Turbine Model

Copyright 2009-2020 The MathWorks(TM), Inc.

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Open project "Wind_Turbine.prj" to set the path and load key values.

Please note:

  1. Wind_Turbine_Demo_Script.html will walk you through most parts of the wind turbine demo.

  2. Some configurations are invalid.
    Turbine Inputs, Blade Loads, Main Controller, and Pitch Controller must be compatible

    Valid combinations: Turbine Inputs Main Controller Blade Loads Pitch Controller Commands Direct Input Torque Inner Loop (all other) Wind Input (not Torque) PI on AoA

  3. The model Wind_Turbine_Flexible_Blades.slx is not built to be attached to Wind_Turbine.slx. It is proof of concept only.