
A reddit lurker newsletter

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A reddit lurker newsletter API. It is design to send the subscribers a newsletter with the most voted post in the last 24 hours from their favorite subreddits.

The newsletter is sent every day, around 8am (depending on the server time).

How to run

First, some environment variables have to be configured to run properly:

  • REDDIT_APP_ID and REDDIT_APP_SECRET: It is the app id of a registered Reddit app. To generate one visit: https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps

  • SENDGRID_API_KEY: API key from SendGrid, used to send the newsletter.

  • SENDGRID_SENDER: Email to be used as "sender" of the newsletter. It has to have been verified by SendGrid.

After that, you just need to run npm start!

API documentation

This script includes a JSON api to manipulate the subscribers to the newsletter. These are the supported endpoints:

  • GET /subscribers: Lists all subscribers.
  • POST /subscribers: Adds a new Subscriber.
  • GET /subscribers/:email: Gets a specific subscriber.
  • PUT /subscribers/:email: Updates subscriber.
  • DELETE /subscribers/:email: Deletes the subscriber.
  • POST /subscribers/:email/subreddits: Adds a new favorite subreddit to the user.
  • DELETE /subscribers/:email/subreddits/:subreddit: Deletes a subreddit from the user.
  • PUT /subscribers/:email/active: Activates or deactivates the newsletter.

Subscriber resource

The subscriber resource is the base of this script. It has the following fields:

  • email: It is used as the id of the subscriber.
  • name: It is included in the mail to make the newsletter a bit more personal. Otherwise, the mail is used.
  • active: It dictates if a subscriber is to be sent the newsletter daily or not. It is set true by default.
  • subreddits: It is a list of the subscriber subreddits from where the newsletter is going to be build.

Data storage

This script does not use a database. It uses the filesystem to store the data. A file per subscriber.