
fix dem broken eyes

Primary LanguageC

The main thing is the iBreak processing program. You'll need to install the OSCP5 library in processing to develop. The repo also includes a program called FaceOSC in the sketch's data directory, and it launches that program when you start (https://github.com/kylemcdonald/ofxFaceTracker). Should work for windows and mac. Easiest to get started with the windows and mac builds from the releases section


  • LEFT/RIGHT -- guess which way the grating is going. If it's pointing up and to the right, guess 'right'. up and to the left, guess left

  • UP/DOWN -- change the coarseness of the grating. Helpful if your eyes are particularly strong or weak at these distances.

  • 'b' -- toggle blanking the text, so it's just color cues -- sometimes text can be distracting


  • Yellow: move forwards

  • Red: move backwards

  • Green: guess left/right