
Parallel Execution for Python

Primary LanguagePython

# parex - Parallel Execution for Python
# (c) 2010 by Paul Bohm http://paulbohm.com/
# MIT License.
# Execute multiple processes in parallel and then wait for all to finish.
# I use this for faster deployment with fabric, so commands don't block.
# For best results combine with SSH multiplexing (ControlMaster).
# Usage (Standalone):
#   x = TaskManager(cwd=".")
#   x.execute('ls') # execute commands
#   x.execute('ps auxw')
#   pid = x.execute('who') # returns pid
#   x.wait() # wait till all have finished
#   for y in x.data.values(): # keyed by pid
#      print y.getvalue() # y is StringIO
# Also integrates nicely with fabric. Instead of doing blocking
#   with cd("foo/bar"):
#     run('python bbqctl.py daemon fanoutserver')
#     run('python bbqctl.py daemon main')
#     run('python bbqctl.py daemon twitresolve')
#     run('python bbqctl.py daemon rssparse')
# on the fabric client. Just do
#   x = TaskManager("foo/bar")
#   x.execute('python bbqctl.py daemon fanoutserver')
#   x.execute('python bbqctl.py daemon main')
#   x.execute('python bbqctl.py daemon twitresolve')
#   x.execute('python bbqctl.py daemon rssparse')
#   x.wait()
# on the server. You can use fabric to make the server run your code.