Approve-ci monitors pull requests and checks for approval. Once the number of approvals exceeds the number of disapprovals by a set amount the pull request is marked as 'approved' and is ready to merge.
- Go to
- your project on GitHub > Settings > Webhooks & services > Add Webhook or
- your organization on GitHub > Settings > Webhooks > Add Webhook
- Payload URL: (
- Let me select individual events > Check
- Add Webhook
And you are done. Next time a pull request is opened, you should see the pending status from approve-ci ;)
The bot can be configured by adding a .approve-ci
file to the base directory of the repo. Here's a list of the possible options:
"name": "approve-ci",
"approvalCount": 1,
"approvalStrings": ["%F0%9F%91%8D", ":+1:", ":thumbsup:"],
"disapprovalStrings": ["%F0%9F%91%8E", ":-1:", ":thumbsdown:"],
"approveString": "The pull request was approved",
"rejectString": "The pull request needs more work",
"pendingString": "Waiting for approval"
When using emojis you must URI encodeURI them (as shown above for 👍 and 👎).
GitHub allows you protect branches and to require specific tests to pass before pull requests can be merged. You can set this up by visiting, selecting the branch you want to protect and then checking the approve-ci bot (the name is defined in the configuration file, see the next section), approval is needed before a request can be merged.
If you want to use a different account for the bot, change the message or extend it to provide additional functionality, we've tried to make it super easy:
git clone
cd approve-ci
npm install
npm start
# Follow the instructions there
Alternatively you can deploy the bot using Heroku by pressing the button below:
Or you can build and deploy on your servers using Docker:
docker build -t approve-ci .
docker run -d -p 80:3000 -e GITHUB_TOKEN=<YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN_HERE> approve-ci