
Service for Japan online marketing that searches for goods in 4 shoping different services and merge them into one list (including order params) . That was a public demo project that I was required to make to get the job, but unfortunately it was assigned to another person...

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Buildout for Shopping Search project

Installation notes

You need to have python 3.5 or newest to build this environment, also you need to have python2.7 for running tests.

For environment set up zc.buildout is used (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc.buildout/2.3.1)

Before building it you need to set up environment version you would like to have. Currently there is production and development configuration available, to set config do following:

$ cp buildout.cfg.example buildout.cfg
$ vim buildout.cfg

and in buildout.cfg uncomment one of profiles extends you would like to be activated, for example if you would like your environment to be build in production mode the part section of buildout should look like this:

extends =
#    profiles/devel.cfg

To build buildout run following command:

$ python3.4 bootstrap-buildout.py
$ bin/buildout

And do not forget to syncdb:

$ bin/django syncdb

Frontend part of application is located in ngbp folder. It requeires to have installed Node.js on system. Frontend are based on https://github.com/ngbp/ngbp

Services set up

Amazon service

Application uses Amazon Advertising API. You need to set your aws_key, aws_secret and aws_associate_tag in configuration section. You can register and get API keys on AWSECommerce page - http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/latest/DG/Welcome.html or generate keys on https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home#security_credential

Important links:

TODO: add more instruction, make unified set up; add other services

Yahoo! Japan Shopping API

What do you need to use Yahoo! Japan Shopping API:
  1. Get Yahoo! JAPAN ID (register on https://account.edit.yahoo.co.jp/registration)
  2. Register Application to get Application ID and Secret.
  3. In buildout.cfg file set appid variable to your Application ID in yahoo_config section
Important links:

Rakuten Ichiba API

What do you need to use Rakuten Ichiba API:
  1. Register if you don't have an account (https://grp02.id.rakuten.co.jp/rms/nid/registfwd)
  2. Create application (https://webservice.rakuten.co.jp/app/create).
  3. In buildout.cfg file set applicationId variable to your Application ID in rakuten_config section
Important links:

Project structure

This project has two independent parts:
  • front-end
  • back-end

Front end

Front-end doesn't care about back-end at all and can be used separately, it's single file javascript application based on AngularJS and ngpb environment.

TODO: describe API calls here

Back end

Back-end is based in Django framework and more like API to search.

TODO: describe API calls here

Site Management

To start djnago server run command

bin/django runserver

or use gunicorn as wsgi server:

env DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=shopping_search.production bin/gunicorn shopping_search.wsgi

If you want to play around frontend then read ngbp instruction. In most cases if would be enough to have buildout built in development and run following commands:

$ cd ngbp
$ ../bin/grunt watch

After it you can edit front-end sources which is located in ngbp/build/src folder.

Choosing site template

Set option 'use' in '[templates]' section in your buildout.cfg. List of the available templates you can find in profiles/base.cfg in [templates] section, use one of 'registry' names (animation_store, ...)