
Code for NeurIPS2023 Paper "Symbol-LLM: Leverage Language Models for Symbolic System in Visual Human Activity Reasoning"

Primary LanguagePython


This repo contains the official implementation of our paper:

Symbol-LLM: Leverage Language Models for Symbolic System in Visual Human Activity Reasoning (NeurIPS 2023)

Xiaoqian Wu, Yong-Lu Li*, Jianhua Sun, Cewu Lu*

[project page] [paper] [arxiv]

Generate the Proposed Symbolic System

Given an activity, the proposed symbolic system prompts a LLM to generate broad-coverage symbols and rational rules. It is implemented in generate_rule.py.

Visual Reasoning

With generated symbols and rules, we can use it to reason out activities in images. We detail the experiments on HICO, with zero-shot CLIP as baseline.

First, download the DATA folder from this link, with generated rules and symbol predictions. Then run hico_clip+reason.ipynb to get the result.

Alternatively, you can generate rules and predict symbols yourselves :)

  • To generate rules, run generate_rule.py. Note that the rules may differ because the evolution of GPT API and the sampling uncertainty.
  • To predict symbols, please refer to hico_predict_symbols.py, where BLIP2 is used.


If you find this work useful, please cite via:

  title={Symbol-LLM: Leverage Language Models for Symbolic System in Visual 
  Human Activity Reasoning},
  author={Wu, Xiaoqian and Li, Yong-Lu and Sun, Jianhua and Lu, Cewu},
  booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},