
This repository serves as a template for starting your own projects with Maze.

Primary LanguagePython


Maze Project Template

This repository serves as a template for starting your own projects with Maze.

As such it implements a simple, yet fully functional environment as a placeholder (a re-implementation of the Gym CartPole environment) for a new Maze project and already contains a hydra config system to train and rollout your agents.

For building your own project we recommend to start with:

  1. Renaming the cartpole_env specific components to <your_project_name>.
  2. Implementing the MazeCoreEnvironment. The class implements all main components of an RL environment such as the step function defining its dynamics.

If this is all very new to you, you can take a look at our docs page where the whole framework is explained in more depth. Furthermore, it also contains a step-by-step getting started guide which iteratively builds a Maze environment entirely from scratch, explains all components in great detail and links to all relevant documentation pages.

Project Setup

  • If you not yet installed Maze, please refer to the installation instructions.

  • Optional: We also provided an environment.yml file to create a dedicated conda environment for your project.

    Prepare with: conda env create -f environment.yml

  • Finally, install the project in development mode pip install -e . or manually add it to your PYTHONPATH.

Example Commands:

Here are some example commands showing how to train and rollout agents for the exemplary CartPole env.


  • Train an agent for the env with PPO:

    maze-run -cn conf_train env=cartpole_env algorithm=ppo

  • Train the env with PPO and a template model:

    maze-run -cn conf_train env=cartpole_env algorithm=ppo model=cartpole_template_model

  • Train the env with PPO and an environment specific custom model:

    maze-run -cn conf_train env=cartpole_env algorithm=ppo model=cartpole_custom_model critic=cartpole_custom_state_critic

  • Train the env with PPO and some environment wrappers:

    maze-run -cn conf_train env=cartpole_env algorithm=ppo wrappers=cartpole_wrappers


  • Run a rollout with the random policy (default):

    maze-run -cn conf_rollout env=cartpole_env

  • Run a rollout with the env specific greedy policy:

    maze-run -cn conf_rollout env=cartpole_env policy=cartpole_heuristic_policy

  • Run a rollout with the greedy policy and render each step:

    maze-run -cn conf_rollout env=cartpole_env policy=cartpole_heuristic_policy runner=sequential runner.render=True

  • Run and render a rollout with a previously trained policy:

    maze-run -cn conf_rollout runner=sequential runner.render=True env=cartpole_env policy=torch_policy input_dir=outputs/<exp-dir>/<time-stamp>

    (Note that we have to use the same overrides for env, model and wrappers as we did during training).


Following Hydra's experiments configuration workflow we additionally provide a starting point for convenient experimenting with Maze (see maze_cartpole/conf/experiment).

  • To start an experiment from a dedicated config, run:

    maze-run -cn conf_train +experiment=cartpole_hard_ppo

    The overrides in the experiment file will be applied to the defaults specified in conf_train.