
Tutorials and Examples for Maze

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Maze examples

This repository contains examples for Maze, including scripts, notebooks and a custom environment implementation for the Step by Step Tutorial.

Running these examples with Hydra

When running these examples through command line using Hydra (i.e., using maze-run), please ensure that this directory is available in your Python path, e.g. using export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$PWD/. (Alternatively, you can install it as a package using pip install -e ..)

If you copy only parts of this tutorial, you'll need to also tell Hydra where to look for your config files using the -cd your_project/conf flag, or add a search path plugin (similar to the one in hydra_plugins in this repository).

For more information and a step by step tutorial for creating custom Hydra configurations, please check Maze docs.