
A decentralized blockchain based system to solve real life problems without going through a centralised government or an organisation. A location based social engine creating an adjustable small world phenomenon with faster and better networking capabilities. It aims to give power to the people by giving them power to rate any experience using their identity or anonymously and broadcasting it to the network with sending real-time updates to people nearby and leaving geo-stamp along with geofencing the experience. Negative experiences are broadcasted to nearby nodes real time and giving them opportunity to nearby nodes to earn enlte coins by helping them and for the broadcasting node to spread awareness and standing up against it. Our aim is to give power to the people with creating a powerful platform which could be used in app and could be used to upload pictures, videos of anything wrong going near them and broadcast it on the network and leave it for the people to take an action against it.


This app is an desktop application. It is used to view your wallet balance and number of transactions. These trasactions are public and each user can view the all updates.


To run this app in your system, you must have install java 1.8. For windows only jre(Java) is required and for other OS you need to install complete package of Java. Below is the link of java:

  1. JRE: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html
  2. JDK: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html


You can directally open this app without installing into the system. You have to click on EnlteLedger.jar file then it will automatically open the app in terminal and asks for user id. If it is not asking the user id then you have to manually enter the below command. java -jar EnlteWallet.jar But, please confirmed that you are on the main directory of project in command prompt.

Build Path:

You can find the build under dist folder.


Current maintainers: Rakesh (Android & java developer)

This project has been sponsored by: Enlte Team

You can find Android app in below link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mpas.enlte