This is a modded version of Fogleman's "Minecraft" which was created for an April Fools video.
Video here:
pip install pyglet
git clone
cd Minecraft-In-5-Seconds
On Mac OS X, you may have an issue with running Pyglet in 64-bit mode. Try running Python in 32-bit mode first:
arch -i386 python
If that doesn't work, set Python to run in 32-bit mode by default:
defaults write Prefer-32-Bit -bool yes
This assumes you are using the OS X default Python. Works on Lion 10.7 with the default Python 2.7, and may work on other versions too. Please raise an issue if not.
Or try Pyglet 1.2 alpha, which supports 64-bit mode:
pip install
For pip:
- Mac or Linux: install with
sudo easy_install pip
(Mac or Linux) - or (Linux) find a package called something like 'python-pip' in your package manager. - Windows: install Distribute then Pip using the linked .MSI installers.
For git:
- Mac: install Homebrew first, then
brew install git
. - Windows or Linux: see Installing Git from the Pro Git book.
See the wiki for this project to install Python, and other tips.