
React native package to add in app review functionality for android and ios applications

Primary LanguageJava




Now you can integrate this to react native and in-app review dialog can be shown to user. User doesn't need to move to play store or app store to submit their review.

Supports both android and iOS

Android iOS

Getting started

$ npm install rn-in-app-review --save
$ yarn add rn-in-app-review

For React Native < 0.60

$ react-native link rn-in-app-review

For React Native >= 0.60

$ cd ios $ pod install


import RnInAppReview from 'rn-in-app-review';

RNInAppReview.launchReviewFlow((isSuccessful)=>console.log('RNInAppReview ' , isSuccessful))

When to request an in-app review

Follow Guideline to get clear idea about when to launch or use in app review.