
Easy to use in any project, you can run the command before git commit to ensure code quality.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This script ensures code quality by running commands before git commit. It's easy to use and can be added to any project.


  1. Place .precommit-exec under the root directory of your project and commit the changes.
  2. Ask developers to run cd .precommit-exec && yarn install before starting work on the project.


  1. Modify lint-staged.config.js to add or replace the commands to run before precommit.
  2. By default, the script includes eslint and prettier, but you can customize it as per your project's needs.


For Development

Example command to generate a release file:

rsync -a --delete --exclude '.git/' --exclude 'node_modules/' . /tmp/precommit-exec && cd /tmp && zip -r precommit-exec-v1.0.0.zip precommit-exec

This command uses rsync to synchronize the contents of the project directory to /tmp/precommit-exec, excluding the .git/ and node_modules/ directories. It then creates a zip archive of the precommit-exec directory. You can adjust the version number and archive filename as necessary.