PostIt is a JavaScript application that allow registered users communicate with each other via groups. It allows you post messages and retrieve messages from groups you belong to. It includes a well structured API documentation that can be used by anyone.
You can view the deployed application here
- It has the following features:
- Creating an account
- Signing in as an existing user
- Creating a new group
- Adding new users to groups
- Display all users in a group
- Post messages to groups in real-time
- Display posted messages
- Search for users in a group
- Reset password
- Receive email notification when a message is posted in the group you belong to based on priority level i.e
- axios: A JavaScript library used to make http requests from nodejs or XMLHttpRequests from the browser
- babel-cli : Used to transpile es6 code to es5 on the command line
- babel-preset-es2015: Plugin that adds support for es6
- babel-preset-react : Plugin that adds support for jsx
- bcryptjs : Used to hash passwords
- dotenv : Used to load environment variable from .env file
- express : Web application framework. Used as application web server.
- jsonwebtoken : Used to create access tokens that asserts some number of claims.
- react : A Javascript library for building user interfaces
- sequelize : Sequelize is a promise-based Node.js ORM for Postgres, MySQL, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server. It features solid transaction support, relations, read replication and more.
Development Dependencies
- chai : Chai is a BDD/TDD assertion library for node and the browser that can be delightfully paired with any javascript testing framework
- coveralls : support for node.js. Get the great coverage reporting of and add a cool coverage button to your README.
- istanbul : a JavaScript code coverage tool.
- supertest : HTTP assertions made easy via superagent.
- Navigate to a directory with your terminal
- Clone this repo to your directory
- Using HTTP;
$ git clone
- Using SSH;
$ git clone
- Navigate to the repo directory
$ cd postit
- install app dependencies
$ npm install
- Run the app
$ npm start
- Running the above command will run the app on http://localhost:3200
- The tests were written using Mocha, Supertest and Chai.
- To run test, navigate to app directory
- run test
$ npm test
- Fork this repo to your repository, clone the repo and configure
- Create a new branch (see wiki for branch naming convention)
- Make your contribution
- Commit your change (see wiki for commit message convention)
- Make sure to test your work
- Raise a pull request against develop branch (see wiki for pull request convention)
For detailed information on how to use api, view api documentation
- Click here to read our FAQ.
Enodi Audu - @enodi