Roberto Nogueira  
Solution Integrator Experienced - Certified by Ericsson

Udemy Elixir Scalable and Efficient Application Development

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Section: 1
0 / 4
Introduction to Elixir
[x] 1. Course Overview 4:49
[x] 2. What is Elixir 4:09
[x] 3. Functional programming 3:01
[x] Quiz 1: Quiz Time! 0:00

Section: 2
0 / 3
Basic Types and Operators
[x] 4. Literals and operators 8:56
[x] 5. Collection types 11:35
[x] Quiz 2: Quiz Time! 0:00

Section: 3
0 / 3
Pattern Matching
[x] 6. Pattern matching versus assignment 3:19
[x] 7. Forms of pattern matching 5:59
[x] Quiz 3: Quiz Time! 0:00

Section: 4
0 / 4
[x] 8. Functions and modules 8:08
[x] 9. Pattern matching in functions 4:23
[x] 10. Anonymous functions 4:23
[x] Quiz 4: Quiz Time! 0:00

Section: 5
0 / 4
Control Flow
[x] 11. Recursion 3:32
[x] 12. Conditionals 6:20
[x] 13. Exception handling 3:31
[x] Quiz 5: Quiz Time! 0:00

Section: 6
0 / 3
[x] 14. Standard IO 3:13
[x] 15. Files 3:37
[x] Quiz 6: Quiz Time! 0:00

Section: 7
0 / 4
Concurrent Programming – Using Processes to Conquer Concurrency
[ ] 16. Basics of Elixir process 0:00
[ ] 17. Applications 0:00
[ ] 18. Work pool 0:00
[ ] Quiz 7: Quiz Time! 0:00

Section: 8
0 / 2
OTP – A Poor Name For a Rich Framework
[ ] 19. Applications 0:00
[ ] Quiz 8: Quiz Time! 0:00

Section: 9
0 / 4
[ ] 20. Creating an application 3:52
[ ] 21. Importing dependencies 6:06
[ ] 22. Running tests 7:55
[ ] Quiz 9: Quiz Time! 0:00

Section: 10
0 / 5
Metaprogramming – Doing More with Less
[ ] 23. Behaviours and protocols 0:00
[ ] 24. Abstract syntax trees 0:00
[ ] 25. Context and macro hygiene 0:00
[ ] 26. Supervisors 0:00
[ ] Quiz 10: Quiz Time! 0:00