
Electron Boilerplate with gulp tasks to build on windows and linux and make installers.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Electron Boilerplate with gulp tasks to run, serve with livereload, build and make windows/linux distributions, binary installers for windows (with makensis) and deb installers.

How to use this boilerplate

  • Install git, node & npm (comes with node) for windows or linux.
  • Install nsis software (only on windows) if you plan to build windows binary installers. The nsis software folder should be on the windows PATH.
  • Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/elterx/electron-boilerplate
  • CD to directory and install dependencies npm install
  • If on linux install gulp and bower globally (npm install -g gulp bower), on windows gulp.bat and bower.bat does the trick.
  • Install bower dependencies: bower install
  • Your electron app will be in the src folder, where your application package.json, LICENSE file, main script of application and under the app-src folder the rest of html/javascript/css files.
  • The typescript transpiler options can be found in src/app/tsconfig.json
  • Also, any node dependency of your application should be installed in the src folder and saved in the src/package.json file. This folder is the place to install bower.
  • All metadata to build windows/linux binary distributions and installers is in the src/package.json file, every field in that file should be completed in order to have a correct build.
  • The only metadata that should be placed outside is your application icon, that should be place in the resources folder in two different formats: icon.ico for the windows icon and icon.png for the linux icon.

Gulp tasks

  • gulp build will build your application and place it in the build folder.
  • gulp run will build and then run your application.
  • gulp serve will serve your application and reload changes dynamically.
  • gulp dist [--platform windows|linux|all] [--arch 32|64|all] [--build 123] will build (build number 123) your application and use the electron-packager to generate the binary distributions under the dist folder.
  • gulp package --platform windows|linux|all --build 123 will generate binary installers (windows installers and currently only .deb packages) of the last distribution generated under the dist folder. Those installers will be placed on the same folder.
  • gulp release --platform windows|linux|all --arch 32|64|all --build 123 is the same as executing gulp dist and gulp package in sequence.

Advanced usage

There are four files under the tasks folder:

  • build.js contains the run, build and serve taks. Here is where you can manipulate the build process (using usemin, uglify, browserify, etc...).
  • dist.js contains the tasks related to the creation of binary distributions of the electron application, using the electron-packager module.
  • windows.packager.js is the one that controls the windows installer creation task, using the makensis tool of nsis and resources/installer.nsis as template for the installer creation.
  • The last file, linux.packager.js uses the gulp-deb module to create the linux deb packages.