
Ignite Call is a simple app that allows users to schedule meetings on Google Calendar with other users who have created an account on the app.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ignite Call

Technologies   |    Getting started   |    Contributing   |    Live Demo   |    License


🚀 Technologies

This project was developed with the following technologies:

💻 Project

The Ignite Call project was built for booking appointments from a calendar with Google Calendar integration. The user can register on the app from their Google account and indicate the days of the week and times when they will be available to schedule appointments. Every appointment registered in the application is integrated with Google Calendar, which allows the user to check their new appointments directly on the Google platform. Ignite Call was built entirely on a Next.js project and used the mechanisms provided by the framework to create and integrate the front-end and back-end from a single code repository. Communication between the application and the database was done using the Prisma.io tool and using a MySQL database in a Docker container. The production database was published from the PlanetScale platform service and the Vercel service was used to host the application.

🚀 Getting started


To get started you must have the following softwares installed:


Open a terminal follow the steps bellow

  1. Clone the repository:
 $ git clone https://github.com/enoquetembe/ignite-call.git
  • Got to the project directory
2. cd ignite-call
  1. Install depedencies
npm install
  1. Execute Docker Compose
docker compose up
  1. create the .env file and fill in the environment variables that are in the .env.example
# You can assign any value to this key

GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=your google client id
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=your google client secret key

Note: The values of the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET keys you can get them on Google Console
If you don't know how to get them, check out this Youtube Tutorial

  1. Execute Prisma Migrations
npx prisma migrate Dev
  1. And finally runing the project locally
npm run dev

👨‍💻 Contributing

Pull Requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue to discuss what and which kind of changes you want to perform.
Follow these steps to make your contribution.

1. Fork the repository

2. Create your feature branch

# To make it easier name this branch with your username or with the name of the feature you added
$ git checkout -b MyFeature

3. Commit your changes

 $ git commit -m 'Adding my feature'

4. Push to your feature branch

 $ git push origin MyFeature

5. Open a Pull Request

Let's work together. 😁

💻 Live Demo

  • You can see the application in live through THIS LINK

📄 License

This project is under MIT Lincese CLICK HERE to read the file about the license.

Made with ❤ by Enoque Tembe