- 5
- 1
compile error.
#60 opened by huji0624 - 1
Cache verify
#47 opened by narlei - 1
How can i get the path of a file using Key
#56 opened by chassrouny - 0
How to get current cache size?
#53 opened by kientux - 1
dispatch_set_target_queue usage not correct
#52 opened by haifenghuang - 1
Unproper usage of dispatch_queue_t ?
#50 opened by voidguy - 7
pod 2.1.3 for iOS 8.3
#49 opened by emonster - 0
DataFromPropertyList: is deprecated
#43 opened by rodericj - 1
- 0
Cache increase capacity folder
#42 opened by nvnguyenit - 1
- 3
Can't restore image from cache (iOS)
#41 opened by firuz1844 - 3
Update tag
#32 opened by gbasile - 0
Clear the cache does not work
#34 opened by envil - 3
- 2
problem while unarchive cached object
#29 opened by driventokill - 3
Flickering bug in tableview.
#17 opened by catarino - 1
Please use git tags
#22 opened by kevinrenskers - 1
create tag
#25 opened by prabirshrestha - 0
get cache created at NSDate
#23 opened by prabirshrestha - 2
Crash on [EGOCache saveCacheDictionary]
#21 opened by getaaron - 4
Memory cache versus disk cache
#15 opened by manoelfranklin - 0
- 4
Using paths as keys
#8 opened by jfradj - 16
Disk caches should be done asynchronously
#2 opened by lukeredpath - 1
Doesn't build if EGOCache is in a static library.
#14 opened by sarperdag - 1
Caching an Array?
#3 opened by VictorAlexander - 0
- 0
Handle cache in diskOperation
#7 opened by huntrax11 - 1