
Attempt to accelerate C-search algorithm using PPL and AMP. Results on MSVC12 without compile optimizations:

Generated rows: 10000000 C-Searching... C-search took 0.122000 seconds. Found rows: 38 AMP-Searching... AMP-search took 0.118000 seconds. Found rows: 38 PPL-Searching... PPL-search took 0.157000 seconds. Found rows: 38

Results with all compile optimizations:

Generated rows: 10000000 C-Searching... C-search took 0.065000 seconds. Found rows: 38 AMP-Searching... AMP-search took 0.090000 seconds. Found rows: 38 PPL-Searching... PPL-search took 0.050000 seconds. Found rows: 38

//+----------------------------------------------+ Based on aricle http://habrahabr.ru/post/182356/ and code https://github.com/AlexeyAB/cpp_find_order/blob/da5190070863ded844452eda3a60f9dd6accc885/main.c