We prefer libraries to frameworks and after being asked repeatedly "What do we use for X w/ GO?" we've decided to create this repository and try to maintain a small up to date reflection of our production golang stack.
The template can be consumed with Cookiecutter. Current golang target is 1.15
Once the package is installed, it is enough to
$ git clone https://github.com/enoti-bg/go-template-edge.git
and then start the creation of a new template with
$ cookiecutter <path-to-cloned-repo>
During creation the template exposed 4 parameters:
(default: hello-world) - This is the name of the project and accidentally the created binary outputgomodule_uri
(default: hello-world) - This is the path to the respective module - e.g. "github.com/enoti-bg/from-go-template"goproxy_uri
(default: "")- If goproxy is being used, please indicate the full uri with protocol + port - e.g.<protocol>://<domain-and-path>:<port>
(default: 8889)- Port on which the service will be exposed by default. (adjustable by environment variable)
The Makefile shipping with the template supports four main targets:
- go-deps - Syncs go.(mod/sum) with deps.
- go-build - Packages an executable.
- go-test - Executes all tests included with the module.
- go-run - Executes current codebase in development environment
The template currently ships with the following libraries:
- Chi: v1.5.1 - Opinionated minimal router library.
- Chi/Render: v1.0.1 - Response helpers for Chi.
- Zerolog: v1.20.0 - Performant structured logging.
- Ozzo-Validation v4.3.0 - Structural and value validation library.
- testify: v1.4.0 - Testing helpers.
- Cobra: v1.1.1 - CLI creation library.
- Viper: v1.7.0 - Environment and configuration loading.
Coming soon(for certain values of soon, because cookiecutter optional implementation physically hurts us):
- (optional) GraphQL
- (optional) SQL Storage w/ Upper
- (optional) GRPC
- (optional) Several common middlewares
After creating a new service from the template, you will have a working API with a single demo entity, memory repository, chi router & endpoint, logger and application configuration. Running a service would produce an output:
$ make go-run
SERVICE_ENV=development GOPROXY= SERVICE_PORT=8888 SERVICE_LOG=debug go run main.go server
{"level":"debug","time":"<timestamp>","message":"Starting server on port: [8888]"}
Once running it is possible to call the demo endpoint:
curl -X POST --data-binary '{"label":"je suis label"}' localhost:8888/api/demo
Which will create a demo record with label je suis label
that can now be fetched under the demo key
curl -X GET localhost:8888/api/demo/demo
Copyright © 2021 Enoti.BG
Distributed under the MIT License