Tired of writing procedural code to generate Javascript UI elements in a completely different section of the HTML document? So are we! Mutiny.js allows you to declaratively create widgets in the same location by extending HTML5 data attributes.
Install Mutiny. We use bower:
$ bower install --save mutiny
Load Mutiny into the page:
<script src='bower_components/mutiny/src/core.js'></script> <script src='bower_components/mutiny/src/text-select.js'></script>
Add the HTML5 data attributes:
<span data-mutiny-text-select=''>Click me to select all</span>
Watch the magic!
Mutiny.widgets.optionsToText = {
defaults: {'def': 'opt'},
init: function(instigator, options) {
var s = [];
for(var key in options) {
s.push('"' + key + '": "' + options[key] + '"');
instigator.textContent = '{' + s.join(', ') + '}');
<div data-mutiny-options-to-text='{"custom": "arg"}'></div>
Running Tests/Examples
$ git clone https://github.com/enova/mutiny.git
$ cd mutiny
$ ./server.sh
$ open http://localhost:5100/
Mutiny is released by Enova under the MIT License.