Primary LanguageShell


EnoELK is the central log storage of ENOWARS. Journald input is supposed to be provided by journalbeat.

Running EnoELK

Elastic (and thus EnoELK) must run on systems that have vm.max_map_count set to 262144.

Configuring journalbeat

Journalbeat has to feed logstash, so disable elastic and enable logstash to the journalbeat config (/etc/journalbeat/journalbeat.yml):

# output.elasticsearch:
  # Array of hosts to connect to.
  # hosts: ["localhost:9200"]

  # The Logstash hosts
  hosts: ["localhost:5044"]

Log Format:

interface EnoLogMessage {
  tool: string;                                                           //"ExampleChecker"
  type: string;                                                           //"infrastructure"
  severity: "CRITICAL" | "ERROR" | "WARNING" | "INFO" | "DEBUG";
  severityLevel: number;                                                  //Debug = 0
  timestamp: string;                                                      //"2020-06-02T11:59:24.794Z"
  module: string | null;                                                  //"ExampleChecker.ExampleChecker"
  function: string | null;                                                //"ExampleChecker.ExampleChecker.exampleputflag"
  flag: string | null;                                                    //"ENOFlag"
  flagIndex: number | null;                                               //0
  runId: number | null;                                                   //241335
  roundId: number | null;                                                 //4
  relatedRoundId: number | null;                                          //3
  message: string;                                                        //"Fetching Users with relrID29, tIdis:205"
  teamName: string | null;                                                //"teamname205"
  teamId: number | null;                                                  //205
  serviceName: string | null;                                             //"ExampleService"
  method: "putflag" | "getflag" | "putnoise" | "getnoise" | "havoc" | null;


curl -XPUT localhost:9200/enologmessage
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/enologmessage/_mapping -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "$(cat newmapping.txt)"