
Service for BambiCTF #7

Primary LanguagePHP


The logical successor to Dropbox.


Flag user- and filenames are given as attack info.

Flagstore 1 is a file uploaded by the flag user.

Flagstore 2 is a report created by the flag user.


  1. The random value used to generate the upload directory name is seeded using the time of the request, which can be inferred with minimal, online bruteforce from the user creation time in the /users endpoint. These can then be accessed using the public url e.g. /uploads/<MD5>/<FILE>. (flagstore 1)

  2. The upload endpoint has a path traversal that allows reading of other users' reports and uploads. There is a type confusion between the return of strpos and false, which allows paths like "/../" to bypass the check since the index of ".." in the path component is 0 (== false). Additionally, the unsanitized parameter is stored in the database. This allows arbitrary read (not write) within /reports. The report filename is derived from the flaguser's username provided in the attack info. (flagstore 2)

  3. The nginx /uploads alias allows for arbitrary file read in /service (except for the database), since /upload../* expands to /service/files/../ and is not normalized again. This gives access to user reports as well as index.php, which can be used to steal / circumvent patches of other teams. (flagstore 2)