
Installer that creates a declarative nix environment within a user account using home-manager, flakes, and nix-user-chroot. Designed for installing a nix environment on the Steam Deck.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Do you want to install Linux command line apps on your Steam Deck without messing with the base system? This script creates a single directory (~/nix) that installs a ~1GB NixOS environment. Packages are managed declaratively using home-manager and flakes.

Walk through

Install nix, create a flake.nix and home.nix, and setup home-manager to use flakes.

bash-5.1$ bash user-nix-steam-deck.sh
Downloading nix-user-chroot
--2022-09-05 04:11:20--  https://github.com/nix-community/nix-user-chroot/releases/download/1.2.2/nix-user-chroot-bin-1.2.2-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
Resolving github.com (github.com)...
Connecting to github.com (github.com)||:443... connected.
Q11. Where are these instructions stored?


Q12. How do I enter the nix environment again? Run:


783M    /home/deck/nix
home: /home/deck/nix/home


Take a look at the setup environment.

bash-5.1$ ls
deck  home.nix  README

bash-5.1$ which bash

Use home-manager switch to rebuild the nix environment.

bash-5.1$ home-manager switch
Starting Home Manager activation
Activating checkFilesChanged
Activating checkLinkTargets
Activating writeBoundary
Activating installPackages
replacing old 'home-manager-path'
installing 'home-manager-path'
building '/nix/store/axgc0jk36a0kr7djs6z4402ib7i3diy0-user-environment.drv'...
Activating linkGeneration
Cleaning up orphan links from /home/deck/nix/home
No change so reusing latest profile generation 1
Creating home file links in /home/deck/nix/home
Activating onFilesChange
Activating reloadSystemd
User systemd daemon not running. Skipping reload.

Leave the nix environment.

bash-5.1$ exit

Enter the nix environment again.

[deck ~]$ nix/enter
791M    /home/deck/nix
home: /home/deck/nix/home

Search for a package (ncdu).

bash-5.1$ nix search nixpkgs ncdu
* legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.ncdu (2.1.2)
  Disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface

* legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.ncdu_1 (1.17)
  Disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface

* legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.ncdu_2 (2.1.2)
  Disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface


Run a package (ncdu).

bash-5.1$ nix run nixpkgs#ncdu

Enter a shell with a specific package available.

bash-5.1$ nix shell nixpkgs#ncdu
bash-4.2$ ncdu

Install a program.

bash-5.1$ vim home.nix
# Add the package name to the home.packages list and save home.nix:
#   home.packages = (with pkgs; [
#     ncdu
#     nix nettools bashInteractive
#   ]);

bash-5.1$ home-manager switch
Starting Home Manager activation
Activating checkFilesChanged
Activating checkLinkTargets
Activating writeBoundary
Activating installPackages
replacing old 'home-manager-path'
installing 'home-manager-path'
building '/nix/store/2hpdvhyinhd2453npv1990v1ybxvvknx-user-environment.drv'...
Activating linkGeneration
Cleaning up orphan links from /home/deck/nix/home
Creating profile generation 3
Creating home file links in /home/deck/nix/home
Activating onFilesChange
Activating reloadSystemd
User systemd daemon not running. Skipping reload.


Update installed programs.

bash-5.1$ nix registry pin nixpkgs

bash-5.1$ nix flake update ~/.config/nixpkgs/flake.nix
path '/home/deck/nix/home/.config/nixpkgs/flake.nix' does not contain a 'flake.nix', searching up

bash-5.1$ home-manager switch
Starting Home Manager activation
Activating checkFilesChanged
Activating checkLinkTargets
Activating writeBoundary
Activating installPackages
replacing old 'home-manager-path'
installing 'home-manager-path'
Activating linkGeneration
Cleaning up orphan links from /home/deck/nix/home
No change so reusing latest profile generation 1
Creating home file links in /home/deck/nix/home
Activating onFilesChange
Activating reloadSystemd
User systemd daemon not running. Skipping reload.


Take a look at the home.nix

bash-5.1$ cat home.nix 
# After editing this file, run:
#   home-manager switch
{ config, pkgs, ... }: {
  home.username = "deck";
  home.homeDirectory = "/home/deck/nix/home";
  home.stateVersion = "22.05";

  home.packages = (with pkgs; [
    nix nettools bashInteractive
    # To find more packages, use:
    #   nix search nixpkgs NAME

  #To find more home-manager programs use:
  #  man home-configuration.nix
  programs.home-manager.enable = true;

  programs.bash = {
    enable = true;
    profileExtra = ''
      . "${config.home.profileDirectory}/etc/profile.d/nix.sh"

Take a look at the README.

bash-5.1$ cat README
Q1. How do I enter the nix environment? Run:


Q2. How do I run a program without installing it?

  nix run nixpkgs#ncdu
  nix run nixpkgs#vlc


  nix shell nixpkgs#ncdu

Q3. How do I find a program to run?

  nix search nixpkgs ncdu

Q4. How do I install a program? Add the name of the program to home.nix's home.packages line. For example:

  home.packages = (with pkgs; [
    nix nettools bashInteractive
    ncdu vlc

Then rebuild with:

  home-manager switch

Q5. Where is the home.nix and flake.nix?


Q6. How do I rebuild after editing home.nix or flake.nix? Run:

   home-manger switch  

Q7. How do I update the programs?

  nix registry pin nixpkgs
  nix flake update ~/.config/nixpkgs
  home-manager switch

Q8. How do I delete programs that are no longer installed?

  nix-collect-garbage -d

Q9. What is the layout of this install?

  dir          /home/deck/nix
  enter script /home/deck/nix/enter
  home         /home/deck/nix/home
  README       /home/deck/nix/home/README
  nix store    /home/deck/nix/root-nix/store

Q10. How do I remove everything, including the nix home directory?

  chmod -R u+w '/home/deck/nix'
  rm '/home/deck/nix' -r

Q11. Where are these instructions stored?


Q12. How do I enter the nix environment again? Run:
