
Repository for the Unicorn Parens font. A font based on Menlo which replaces all of your parentheses with unicorns.

Unicorn Parenthesis Font

Repository for the Unicorn Parens font. A font based on Menlo which replaces all of your parentheses with unicorns.

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Clojure and Lisp are great programming languages. However, people who are new to those languages commonly complain and say things like, "There are too many parentheses," or "Parentheses hurt my eyes!" In an effort to address these concerns, the Unicorn Parenthesis font has been created. This font is based on the Menlo monospaced font and causes all parenthesis characters to be displayed as unicorns. Combine this font with a rainbow-parens plugin for an additional magical effect.

Installation Instructions

Download the font type file and install to your local machine's font directory.