// create the config path $HOME/.hello make init // generate keys and certs for mutual TLS and JWT signing // require cfssl and cfssljson installed // https://cfssl.org/ make gencert // build the binaries // require dep, protoc and protoc-gen-go installed // https://github.com/golang/dep // https://github.com/google/protobuf // https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/go-generated make build // start the hello service ./bin/hello-server // start the auth service ./bin/auth-server --username=admin --password=p455w0rd // get a valid JWT token by login with the auth client ./bin/auth-client --username=admin --password=p455w0rd // call the hello service with the hello client, // will use the JWT token to authenticate your request ./bin/hello-client
two grpc microservices with mutual TLS and token authentication in Go