
Dockerised Data Processing Pipeline, based on Kafka, Python, PostgreSQL, Apache Superset

Primary LanguagePython

Dockerised Data Processing Pipeline

What we are going to do

For this project we are going to use Docker Compose to glue together a basic Realtime Data Processing Pipeline using free and OpenSource software.

It's the supporting repository for a presentation I made in July 2019, for a (self hosted) dockerisation of the work done in Spring 2019 by Sahil Dadia in a series of workshops presented at the Data Science and Engineering Club, a friendly and (very!) hands-on meetup organised by Roman Golovnya in Dublin.

What's the tech stack

The only two requirements to follow along are:

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

We'll pull from Docker Hub the following tools, which are not required to be installed in the developer machine, as they will all be used within dedicated containers:

How to start the services

Go into the root of the project and start a single node Kafka cluster (with supporting Zookeper instance) and a PostgreSQL server:

docker-compose up -d kafka postgres

You can see if the 3 service (zookeeper, kafka and postgres) and up and running with the following command:

docker ps --format "{{.Image}}  {{.Status}}"

It should give an output similar to this:

wurstmeister/kafka:2.12-2.2.1  Up 3 minutes
wurstmeister/zookeeper  Up 3 minutes
postgres:11.2  Up 3 minutes

When Postgres is up and running, you can setup a local Apache Superset instance, running the following command (only needed the first time: the postgres data is persisted in the local folder data/postgres/pgdata). Run the following two commands:

docker-compose run superset superset-init

You will be asked a few questions:

Username [admin]:
User first name [admin]:
User last name [user]:
Email [admin@fab.org]:
Repeat for confirmation:

Just press the [RETURN] key to accept the defaul value for the first four questions, and pick a password for your admin user in the last two.

You'll get a few more messages from the init script while the database is created and setup.

Now you can start the Superset service:

docker-compose up -d superset

(NOTE: see my Dockerised Superset repo for further customisation options...)

All going fine you can run the docker ps command again:

docker ps --format "{{.Image}}  {{.Status}}"

You now should have two more services running, superset and redis:

amancevice/superset:0.28.1: Up 3 seconds (health: starting)
wurstmeister/kafka:2.12-2.2.1: Up 32 minutes
wurstmeister/zookeeper: Up 32 minutes
redis: Up 4 seconds
postgres:11.2: Up 32 minutes

Generate some random data

To create some fake data run:

docker-compose run producer

This will generate 100 random data records and send them to the Kafka cluster. You can run it a few times if you want more fake records to be generated.

(NOTE: it's heavily "inspired" by Sahil's random data generator ) 😅

Consume the data

You are now ready to start reading from the ingestion queue the data you just submitted. Run the following:

docker-compose run consumer

This will pop the JSON messages in the Kafka cluster and store them in the Postgres database.

Visualise the data

The Superset UI can be accessed at the following address:


Log in with the username and password chosen in the initialisation step.

_TO BE CONTINUED (crate superset table, configure fields, create graph, create dashboard).

When you are done

To tear down all the services, just run:

docker-compose down

Data in Kafka cluster nodes is deleted when cluter nodes are shutdown.

PostgreSQL data is persisted in the local folder data/postgres/pgdata: delete this folder if want to start from scratch.


  • complete visualisation section of tutorial
  • polish python code
  • kafka producer and consumer in other languages