Go Factory Pattern - Employee Use Case

This is a simple example of the factory pattern in Go. The factory pattern is a creational pattern that provides an interface for creating objects in a super class, but allows subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created.

This course is part of the Kampus Merdeka program, a collaboration between the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia and Ruangguru.


Problem Statement

Part 1

  • You are tasked to create a simple employee management system.
  • The system should be able to create employees of different types, such as Manager, Staff, and Intern.
  • Each employee type should have a different salary and name.
  • Create a factory pattern to create employees of different types.
  • Create unit tests for the factory pattern.

Part 2

  • Enhance the employee management system to include a Bonus for each employee type.
  • The Bonus should be calculated based on the employee's salary.
  • The bonus calculation should be as follows:
    • Manager: 20% of the salary
    • Staff: 10% of the salary
    • Intern: no bonus (return 0)
  • Create unit tests for the bonus calculation.

Part 3

  • Create a new employee type called Director.
  • The Director should have a salary of 5000.
  • The Director should have a bonus of 30% of the salary.
  • Create unit tests for the Director employee type.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the factory pattern in Go.
  • Implement the factory pattern in Go.
  • Write unit tests for the factory pattern in Go.
  • Enhance the factory pattern with additional functionality.
  • Write unit tests for the enhanced factory pattern.
  • Understand the benefits of using the factory pattern.