
ENS Avatar resolver library for both nodejs and browser.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Avatar resolver library for both nodejs and browser.

Note!: ENS-Avatar >= 1.0.0 is only compatible with ethers v6. If your project is using v5, keep your ens-avatar on latest 0.x version.

Getting started


  • Have your web3 provider ready (web3.js, ethers.js)
  • [Only for node env] Have jsdom installed.

And good to go!


# npm
npm i @ensdomains/ens-avatar
# yarn
yarn add @ensdomains/ens-avatar


import { StaticJsonRpcProvider } from '@ethersproject/providers';
import { AvatarResolver, utils as avtUtils } from '@ensdomains/ens-avatar';

// const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom'); on nodejs
// const jsdom = new JSDOM().window; on nodejs

const provider = new StaticJsonRpcProvider(
async function getAvatar() {
    const avt = new AvatarResolver(provider);
    const avatarURI = await avt.getAvatar('tanrikulu.eth', { /* jsdomWindow: jsdom (on nodejs) */ });
    // avatarURI = https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUShgfoZQSHK3TQyuTfUpsc8UfeNfD8KwPUvDBUdZ4nmR

async function getAvatarMetadata() {
    const avt = new AvatarResolver(provider);
    const avatarMetadata = await avt.getMetadata('tanrikulu.eth');
    // avatarMetadata = { image: ... , uri: ... , name: ... , description: ... }
    const avatarURI = avtUtils.getImageURI({ metadata /*, jsdomWindow: jsdom (on nodejs) */ });
    // avatarURI = https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUShgfoZQSHK3TQyuTfUpsc8UfeNfD8KwPUvDBUdZ4nmR

Supported avatar specs


  • ERC721
  • ERC1155


  • HTTP
  • Base64
  • IPFS


Cache (Default: Disabled)

const avt = new AvatarResolver(provider, { cache: 300 }); // 5 min response cache in memory

Custom IPFS Gateway (Default: https://ipfs.io)

const avt = new AvatarResolver(provider, { ipfs: 'https://dweb.link' });

Custom Arweave Gateway (Default: https://arweave.net)

const avt = new AvatarResolver(provider, { arweave: 'https://arweave.net' });

Marketplace Api Keys (Default: {})

const avt = new AvatarResolver(provider, { 
    apiKey: {
        opensea: 'YOUR_API_KEY'

URL DenyList (Default: [])

const avt = new AvatarResolver(provider, { urlDenyList: ['https://maliciouswebsite.com'] });


  • Create .env file with INFURA_KEY env variable

  • Build the library

  • Node example

node example/node.js ENS_NAME
  • Browser example
yarn build:demo
http-server example