
texture_point_cloud The camera node is not running!

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I'm getting an error: The camera node is not running! after launching the texturing launch file, here is the full log, and nxlogs


 * /rosdistro: noetic
 * /rosversion: 1.16.0
 * /texture_point_cloud_image_stream/parameter_set: texture_point_cloud
 * /texture_point_cloud_image_stream/rectified: True

    texture_point_cloud (ensenso_camera/texture_point_cloud)
    texture_point_cloud_image_stream (ensenso_camera/image_stream)


process[texture_point_cloud-1]: started with pid [533260]
process[texture_point_cloud_image_stream-2]: started with pid [533261]
[ERROR] [2024-01-31 15:24:53]: The camera node is not running!
[texture_point_cloud_image_stream-2] process has finished cleanly

Hi @belalhmedan90,

if you only executed the launch file then this is expected behavior as noted at the top of the launch file: https://github.com/ensenso/ros_driver/blob/master/ensenso_camera/launch/texture_point_cloud.launch#L1

Here's our wiki article on that launch file: http://wiki.ros.org/ensenso_driver/Nodes/texture_point_cloud

What are you trying to achieve, maybe with that info I can help you figure out which nodes you must run and which launch files come in handy for that.

Kind regards

Hi @belalhmedan90,

if you only executed the launch file then this is expected behavior as noted at the top of the launch file: https://github.com/ensenso/ros_driver/blob/master/ensenso_camera/launch/texture_point_cloud.launch#L1

Here's our wiki article on that launch file: http://wiki.ros.org/ensenso_driver/Nodes/texture_point_cloud

What are you trying to achieve, maybe with that info I can help you figure out which nodes you must run and which launch files come in handy for that.

Kind regards Benny

I'm running this launch file in addition to the roslaunch ensenso_camera color_point_cloud.launch to get a colored pointcloud.


The texture_point_cloud.launch file runs (a) the image_stream script and (b) the texture_point_cloud node, which uses the left rectified camera image to add (gray) texture to the point cloud.

I am a little bit confused: you want to get a colored point cloud and you already ran the color_point_cloud.launch file, which gave you a colored point cloud as you wrote yesterday in #124, right? So what is still missing? What is your final goal?

I am a little bit confused: you want to get a colored point cloud and you already ran the color_point_cloud.launch file, which gave you a colored point cloud as you wrote yesterday in #124, right? So what is still missing? What is your final goal?

the color_point_cloud.launch file as I mentioned in #124 doesn't show a colored pointcloud, unless I additionally launch the texturing launch file to texture the colorless pointcloud generated by color_point_cloud.launch.

Okay, then we need to figure out why you are not getting a colored point cloud as expected. I will reopen #124 and close this issue, because it isn't a bug.