
CloudBoost SDK for JavaScript and Node applications.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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This is the JavaScript and NodeJS SDK for CloudBoost. It is available both on NPM and Bower. If you want to have a look into documentation, you can check them out here : https://tutorials.cloudboost.io and API reference is available here : https://docs.cloudboost.io

NPM Installation

npm install cloudboost

NodeJS Usage

var CB = require('cloudboost');

Bower Installation

bower install cloudboost

JavaScript Usage

<script src="bower_components/cloudboost/dist/cloudboost.js"></script>

Sample Code

// AppID and AppKey are your App ID and key of the application created in CloudBoost Dashboard.

//Init your Application

//Data Storage : Create a CloudObject of type 'Custom' (Note: You need to create a table 'Custom' on CloudBoost Dashboard)

var obj = new CB.CloudObject('Custom');

//Set the property 'name' (Note: Create a column 'name' of type text on CloudBoost Dashboard)

//Save the object
        console.log("object saved successfully");
        console.log("error while saving object");

#### Documentation

Visit the CloudBoost Docs for documentation.