
A web automation testing tool for CREMA.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Crema-Automation is a web testing automation framework created for CREMA (Creative Marketing Solution). It is built in conjunction with selenium-webdriver and mocha.

Table of Contents


In order to run this test framework, Node.js and Selenium-Webdriver will need to be installed on the computer. Node.js can be installed here.

Once Node.js is installed, download this repository. Enter the repository with the following command in the command prompt/terminal:

cd /Path/to/repo

After this, you need to install all the modules required for the framework to run:

npm install

In order for Selenium-webdriver to run tests, it needs something called a browser driver. Crema-Automation only supports chrome at the current moment, so we'll simply install that for now. Chromedriver can be found here.

Once a chromedriver that matches your Google Chrome's version is downloaded, all you need to do is to add the chromedriver file into a safe folder. Call the folder something like selenium-drivers, and store it somewhere safe.

Now, we need to add the selenium-drivers folder onto the PATH variable. On a mac, all you need to do is this:

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/selenium-drivers

The program requires a file called credentials.json in order to run, which is contained within the utils folder. The general format of the json file looks like this:

  "apiCreds": {
    "client": {
      "id": "an-oauth2-id",
      "secret": "secret-password"
      "tokenHost": "a-tokenhost-url"

  "mall": {
    "cafe24": {
      "url": "mall url",
      "id": "mall id (on crema)",
      "userID": "mall's crema login id",
      "userPW": "mall's crema login password"
    "godo": {
      "url": "mall url",
      "id": "mall id (on crema)",
      "userID": "mall's crema login id",
      "userPW": "mall's crema login password"
    "makeshop": {
      "url": "mall url",
      "id": "mall id (on crema)",
      "reviews": "Reviews page path",
      "userID": "mall's crema login id",
      "userPW": "mall's crema login password"

Finally, you can start up your tests by typing:

npm test

Word of Note

Crema-Automation performs operations through Selenium-webdriver, and performs tests using mocha, meaning the following things:

  • All web related operations run through Selenium-webdriver.

    • For a detailed guide on how to use Selenium-webdriver, refer to its javascript documentation.
    • Selenium-webdriver related functions are all contained within the mall.base.js and its children, mall.cafe24.js and etc.
    • The framework abstracts Selenium-webdriver in the form of a page object. By limiting the number of potential functions the user can access, the hope is that it will make the framework easier to understand for the user. Of course, the user may choose to default to the selenium-webdriver's driver object if need be.
    • Selenium-webdriver alone cannot attain the information needed to automate all test work. In order to attain information such as getting a random product page from a mall, selenium relies on api.js which in turn works through request-promise and simple-oauth2.
    • Many of the current tests created in the test folder use properties such as xpath in order to perform its operations, and therefore are very sensitive to any potential changes in mall solutions such as cafe24 or makeshop. When this happens, refer to the respective sub mall file (mall.solutionName.js) or the solution's respective locator file (locator.solutionName.js contained in the utils folder) in order to make changes.
  • All test related operations run through Mocha.

    • For a detailed tutorial on how to use Mocha (and perhaps an assertion library such as chai), visit mocha and chai's websites.

Example of Usage

See the test folder.


In order to read specifics about return types and what happens during a given operation, refer to the source code and the Selenium-webdriver documentation.

Initialize the mall object

Page = require('../lib/mall.subMall');
page = new Page(o, {'type': 'chrome'}); // can be chrome, mobile, or ie
driver = page.driver;

Navigate to a given URL

Returns the selenium driver.


returns Promise<undefined>

Quit driver

Quits out of the browser.


returns Promise<undefined>

Find Elements on web page

Find by id

Returns the first element with the given id on the web page.


returns WebElementPromise

Find by name

Returns the first element with the given name on the web page.


returns WebElementPromise

Find by xpath

Returns the first element with the given xpath on the web page.


returns WebElementPromise

Input letters into elements

Clear input

Clears any input in a given element.


returns Promise<undefined>

Write input

Writes input into a given element.

page.write(element, 'input');

returns Promise<undefined>

Execute javascript on web page

Executes a javascript script on a web page.


returns IThenable<(T)>

Get Alert

Gets, and returns, any alerts that are found on the web page.


returns AlertPromise

Wait for url to become a specified url

Waits 10 seconds until the url becomes the specified input.


returns Promise<undefined>

Wait for webpage title to become a specified title

Waits 10 seconds until the page title becomes a specified title.


returns Promise<undefined>

Check for crema widget/popup to appear on the website.

Waits until a popup for a widget to appear on the website.

// check pop up
// check widget

returns Promise<undefined>

Sub-mall Commands

Login to mall

Logs into the mall using given credentials.


returns IThenable<T>

Get Product Page

Grabs a product page from the mall. (Relies on the Crema API for a code if not specified in the params.)

page.getProduct(code); // code is the product's code in the url (crema)

returns Promise<undefined>

Get Reviews Page

Navigates to the reviews page in the mall.

page.getReviews(loc); // loc is the path of the reviews page. Leave blank if not required.

returns Promise<undefined>

Get Questions Page

Navigates to the questions page in the mall.

page.getQuestions(loc); // loc is the path of the questions page. Leave blank if not required.

returns Promise<undefined>

Write a Review

Attempts to write a review on whatever page the user is on.


returns IThenable<T>

Delete a Review

Deletes a review that the user wrote.


returns IThenable<T>

Write a Question

Attempts to write a question on whatever page the user is on.


returns IThenable<T>

Delete a Question

Deletes a question that the user wrote.


returns IThenable<T>

Put Product in Basket

Attempts to put a given product on the page into the user's basket.


returns null

Order All in Basket

Attempts to order all items in the current basket.


returns IThenable<T>

Buy Product

Attempts to buy a product from whatever page the user is on.


returns IThenable<T>

Cancel Order

Attempts to cancel the most recent order the user put through.


returns Promise<undefined>


Junhyun Lim