
Documentation for the KaiAko LMS software


An open source, community-driven learning management system for immersive training in a real-world environment.


  • Adaptive and interactive
  • Universal design (usable and accessible)
  • Interacts with real-world tools (e.g. GitHub)
  • Secure (encrypted and private)
  • Provides tools for self-monitoring and oversight
  • Provide centralized source/control of distributed resources
  • Provides tools for interaction and communication
  • Gamified

Primary stakeholders

  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Potential employers

Future stakeholders

  • Non-profit and community organizations
  • Developers
  • Other education providers
  • Media
  • Source companies (GitHub, Trello, etc.)
  • Future students/teachers/staff

Business objectives

  • Make something that works for us
    • Student (primary)
    • Teachers (secondary)
    • EDA
    • Other organizations/users
  • Building must support current learning goals
  • Increase efficiency for:
    • Students (learning)
    • Teachers (teaching)
  • Easy to pass responsibility to future students/staff
    • Sustainable
  • Accessible/usable



  • Dashboard/Login

    • students
    • teachers
    • staff (future)
  • Real tool integration

    • Git/GitHub
    • Trello
    • Nuclide
    • etc.


  • User profile

  • Curriculum management

    • Temporal features
      • Schedule
      • Calendar of events
      • Workflow/approvals
      • Emotion/work tracking
      • Journaling
    • Resources
      • Curated links
      • In-house tutorials/screencasts
      • Code examples/snippets
    • User generated content?
  • Communication

    • chat
    • forums
    • code review/feedback
    • help queue/breakouts


  • Privacy/encryption

  • Gamification

  • Onboarding

    • Students
    • Teachers/coaches
    • Staff?
  • Self-testing (skill focused, not memorization)

    • Touch typing (code)
    • Pair programing/cooperative gamification
  • CV Builder