
Project containing a vagrant configuration file to create a box containing Openshift v 3.11 for entando 6

Primary LanguageShell

How to




The vagrant box will be configured to allocate by default 6GB of RAM and 4 VCPU so your host pc should have at least:

  • A cpu with 4 cores, more is better
  • 16 GB of RAM if you want also to develop directly on your host pc while executing the VM
  • SSD disk

Create the Box

In the root of this project run vagrant up and wait until the process ends. The first time it will take longer so you can take a coffee and relax.

During the startup phase vagrant will ask you to choose the network interface to use for the bridging. This way all the network configuration will be done automatically and you'll access to openshift web console from your pc.

Login to the VM

Execute vagrant ssh and you'll be connected in ssh to the newly created VM.

Start Openshift installation

Execute ./start-oc.sh and yes... if you want you can take another coffee. This script will also :

  • assigns the cluster-role rights to the developer user
  • install the Entando CRD (v6.1.0)
  • create a project called my-app

Common vagrant commands

  • vagrant up The first time create the VM from scratch or start the VM if already created.
  • vagrant ssh connects you to the VM by a ssh connection
  • vagrant halt Shutdown the vm gracefully. Everything will be saved
  • vagrant destroy Delete the VM. All your work will bi lost
  • vagrant snapshot save [name] saves a named snapshot of the machine. The state is preserved
  • vagrant snapshot restore [name] restores the named snapshot
  • vagrant snapshot list shows you the snapshots
  • vagrant snapshot delete [name] delete the named snapshot

Entando helm instructions

The value of ENTANDO_DEFAULT_ROUTING_SUFFIX you have to update in your values.yaml file of the helm quickstart project is made by: [your-openshift-cluster-ip].xip.io