
A command line interface to interact with Entando Component Repository Bundles

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Entando Bundler


This application has the purpose of helping with operations regarding Entando Bundles.

It can be run as an interactive terminal application or as a single command for scripting.

At this moment, these are the supported functions:

  • Converting an existing Bundle package from a Git repository or NPM registry (deprecated) into a Kubernetes Custom Resource (EntandoDeBundle).
  • Creating a Bundle package based on an existing environment.

Please see the Standard Demo Bundle for a full example of a Bundle generated using this tool.


To install this tool globally:

npm install -g ./


This tool can be run both as an interactive terminal application (inquirer.js) or as a single command for scripting purposes (commander.js).

$ entando-bundler for interactive or $ entando-bundler <command> <options> for single command

Generating Bundles from an existing environment:

Create an env.json file with the configurations for the environment to extract the components:

    "coreBaseApi": "http://quickstart-sales-demo.lab.entando.org/entando-de-app",
    "componentManagerApi": "http://quickstart-eci-sales-demo.lab.entando.org/digital-exchange",
    "clientId": "entando-bundler",
    "clientSecret": "<insert_secret_here>"

Note: the clientId "entando-bundler" should be manually added to the keycloak of the source environment.

Interactive command:

$ entando-bundler
? What do you want to do? Create a new bundle using components from an environment
? Please select an env.json file with the environment variables: env.json
? Which type of components do you want to add to the bundle? All components
Collecting all components from the provided environment...
Collecting widgets
Collecting pageModels
Collecting fragments
Collecting pages
Collecting contentTypes
Collecting contentModels
Collecting plugins
? Do you want to generate the Bundle with the selected components? Yes
? Where do you want to generate the Bundle? ./
? What's the code for the Bundle? standard-demo-bundle
? Please add a description to the Bundle: Standard Demo Bundle
Generating bundle...

Single command:

$ entando-bundler from-env \
    --env env.json \
    --code standard-demo-bundle \
    --description "Standard Demo Bundle"

For more details, please refer to:

entando-bundler from-env --help

Generate a Kubernetes Custom Resource (EntandoDeApp) from a git repository:

$ entando-bundler from-git \
	--thumbnail-file <thumbnail_file_path> \
	--name <bundle_code> \
	--namespace <k8s_namespace> \
	--repository <git_repository_url>

--repository option will clone the repository to /tmp/tmp-ecr-bundle-repo_<TIMESTAMP> folder, gather the needed information and will remove the folder.

descriptor.yaml is expected to be at the root of the repository.

For more details, please refer to:

entando-bundler from-git help

Tag sorting and filtration

Currently, tags are sorted using semver logic and are filtered out using /^v?\d+\.\d+.\d+/ regex, which would match tags like: v2.0.0, v1.0.12, v2.0.1-rc, etc.


Thumbnail URLs (--thumbnail-url option) have to be surrounded with quotation marks.

(Deprecated) Generate a Kubernetes Custom Resource (EntandoDeApp) from an npm registry:

entando-bundler from-npm --help