How to setup Kubeflow on AWS

1. Create an IAM User with the policies


2. Launch an EC2 instance

# Amazon Machine Image (AMI) - Ubuntu

Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type

# Instance type


# Storage size

60 gb atleast

3. Run the commands in the instance

sudo apt update

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt upgrade -y

4. Visit kubeflow website for the installation guide on AWS


# Install the necessary tools:

- sudo apt install git curl unzip tar make sudo vim wget -y

    export AWS_RELEASE_VERSION=v1.7.0-aws-b1.0.2
    git clone && cd kubeflow-manifests
    git checkout ${AWS_RELEASE_VERSION}
    git clone --branch ${KUBEFLOW_RELEASE_VERSION} upstream

- sudo nano Makefile  #check the jq version

- curl -sS | python3

- make install-tools

- cd /home/ubuntu/.local/bin/

- ls

- sudo mv * /usr/bin/

- cd /home/ubuntu/kubeflow-manifests/

5. Create an EKS Cluster

export CLUSTER_NAME=kubeflow
export CLUSTER_REGION=us-east-1
# set the AWS Access Key ID & Secret Access Key

aws configure
eksctl create cluster --name kubeflow --version 1.22 --region us-east-1 --zones us-east-1a,us-east-1b --nodegroup-name kubeflow-nodes --node-type t2.large --nodes-min 3 --nodes-max 4 --with-oidc
kubectl get nodes

6. Build Manifests and install Kubeflow

make deploy-kubeflow INSTALLATION_OPTION=kustomize DEPLOYMENT_OPTION=vanilla
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

7. Delete all the cluster

eksctl delete cluster --name kubeflow
kubectl get nodes
  • eks
  • cloud formation