
Istio tiny example code, like holllo world.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

hoge service

This sample runs two versions of a simple hoge service that return their version and instance (hostname) when called. It's used to demonstrate canary deployments working in conjunction with autoscaling. See Canary deployments using Istio.

Start the services

set in your cluster you will need to manually inject it to the services:

istioctl kube-inject -f hoge.yaml -o hoge-istio.yaml

Now create the deployment using the updated yaml file:

kubectl create -f hoge-istio.yaml

Follow the instructions to set the INGRESS_HOST and INGRESS_PORT variables then confirm it's running using curl.

curl http://$GATEWAY_URL/hello

Autoscale the services

Enable autoscale on both services:

kubectl autoscale deployment hoge-v1 --cpu-percent=50 --min=1 --max=10
kubectl autoscale deployment hoge-v2 --cpu-percent=50 --min=1 --max=10
kubectl get hpa

Generate load

./loadgen.sh &
./loadgen.sh & # run it twice to generate lots of load

Wait a minuts and check the number of replicas:

kubectl get hpa

If autoscaler is functioning correctly the REPLICAS column should have a value > 1.


kubectl delete -f hoge-istio.yaml
kubectl delete hpa hoge-v1 hoge-v2