
This is a simple cloud english note project

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


This is a simple english note project under developing.



1. List all notes
    GET /api/notes
2. Find notes by id
    GET /api/notes/:id
3. Get notes count
    GET /api/notes/count
4. Add new note
    POST /api/notes
5. Update note by id
    PUT /api/notes/:id

Directory Layout

app.js                  --> app config
bower.json              --> for bower
package.json            --> for npm
notes_db/               --> for mongo db models
    noteController.js   --> CRUD functions
    noteModels.js       --> for mongo db model
public/                 --> all of the files to be used in on the client side
  css/                  --> css files
    app.css             --> default stylesheet
  img/                  --> image files
  js/                   --> javascript files
    app.js              --> declare top-level app module
    controllers.js      --> application controllers
    directives.js       --> custom angular directives
    filters.js          --> custom angular filters
    services.js         --> custom angular services
    angular/            --> angular.js
    angular-socket-io/  --> socket.io adapter for angular
  index.js              --> route for serving HTML pages and partials
  index.jade            --> main page for app
  layout.jade           --> doctype, title, head boilerplate
  partials/             --> angular view partials (partial jade templates)

Running the app (Project is still under constructing.)

Runs like a typical express app:

node app.js

Updating angular.js

Alternatively, you can update AngularJS with Bower:

bower update angular