
experiment to build a jinja like template parser (use Nimja instead!)

Primary LanguageNimMIT LicenseMIT

nimWebTemplates is ABADONNED and DEPRECATED

for a better template engine use: enthus1ast/nimja


nwt is a little template engine inspired by jinja2.

(warning: it lacks control statements like if while etc..)

it do not enforce any web framework so use whatever you like!

rudimentary freeze support with freeze()

have a look at the other demos!

if you feeling fancy today have a special look at the dbdriven database example and my little flatfile database flatdb for nim-lang


Directory structure

To follow this example create this folder structure



{%block menu%}<a href="index.html">index</a> || <a href="about.html">about</a> || <a href="stats.html">stats</a>{%endblock%}


{%import menu.html%}




			{%block "content"%}
				{# i will be replaced by my children #}

			Made with nim<br>


{%extends "base.html"%}

{%set title "Some index and more"%}

{%block content%}
	Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. 
	Ab, sint repellendus iure similique ipsa unde eos est nam numquam, laborum, sit ipsum voluptates modi impedit doloremque. 
	Fugiat, obcaecati delectus accusantium.

{%block footer%}
	Some footer infos we only want to see on the index


{%extends "base.html"%}
{%set title "Some about me and stuff"%}

{%block content%}

{# we not set any additional footer here, so we omit the block #}


{%extends "base.html"%}

{%block content%}

{# we not set any additional footer here, so we omit the block #}


import asynchttpserver, asyncdispatch
import json
import nwt

var templates = newNwt("templates/*.html") # we have all the templates in a folder called "templates"

var server = newAsyncHttpServer()
proc cb(req: Request) {.async.} =
  let res = req.url.path

  case res 
  of "/", "/index.html":
    await req.respond(Http200, templates.renderTemplate("index.html"))  
  of "/about.html":
    await req.respond(Http200, templates.renderTemplate("about.html"))
  of "/stats.html":
    var context = %* {"title": "some variables from nim", "foo": "Foo!", "baa": "Baa!"}
    await req.respond(Http200, templates.renderTemplate("stats.html", context))  
    await req.respond(Http404, "not found")

waitFor server.serve(Port(8080), cb)