Infinite Punishment

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Steward Steward You start knowing 1 good player.
High Priestess High Priestess Each night, learn which player the Storyteller believes you should talk to most.
Preacher Preacher Each night, choose a player: a Minion, if chosen, learns this. All chosen Minions have no ability.
Cult Leader Cult Leader Each night, you become the alignment of an alive neighbour. If all good players choose to join your cult, your team wins.
Monk Monk Each night*, choose a player (not yourself): they are safe from the Demon tonight.
Exorcist Exorcist Each night*, choose a player (different to last night): the Demon, if chosen, learns who you are then doesn't wake tonight.


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Heretic Heretic Whoever wins, loses & whoever loses, wins, even if you are dead.
Zealot Zealot If there are 5 or more players alive, you must vote for every nomination.


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Cerenovus Cerenovus Each night, choose a player & a good character: they are "mad" they are this character tomorrow, or might be executed.
Goblin Goblin If you publicly claim to be the Goblin when nominated & are executed that day, your team wins.


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Kazali Kazali Each night*, choose a player: they die. [You choose which players are which Minions. -? to +? Outsiders]
Imp Imp Each night*, choose a player: they die. If you kill yourself this way, a Minion becomes the Imp.