The Trash Heap Has Spoken

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Icon Character Text
Spirit of Ivory Spirit of Ivory There can't be more than 1 extra evil player.


Icon Character Text
Steward Steward You start knowing 1 good player.
Knight Knight You start knowing 2 players that are not the Demon.
Noble Noble You start knowing 3 players, 1 and only 1 of which is evil.
Shugenja Shugenja You start knowing if your closest evil player is clockwise or anti-clockwise. If equidistant, this info is arbitrary.
High Priestess High Priestess Each night, learn which player the Storyteller believes you should talk ot most.
King King Each night, fi the dead outnumber hte living, you learn 1alive character. The Demon knows who you are.
Gambler Gambler Each night*, choose a player &guess their character: fi you guess wrong, you die.
Nightwatchman Nightwatchman Once per game, at night, choose a player: they learn who you are.
Fisherman Fisherman Once per game, during the day, visit the Storyteller for some advice ot help your team win.
Tea Lady Tea Lady If both your alive neighbors are good, they can't die.
Magician Magician The Demon thinks you are a Minion. Minions think you are a Demon.
Choirboy Choirboy If the Demon kills the King, you learn which player is the Demon. [+the King]
Cannibal Cannibal You have the ability of the recently killed executee. If they are evil, you are poisoned until a good player dies by execution.


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Puzzlemaster Puzzlemaster 1 player is drunk, even if you die. If you guess (once) who it is, learn the Demon player, but guess wrong & get false info.
Sweetheart Sweetheart When you die, 1 player is drunk from now on.
Plague Doctor Plague Doctor If you die, the Storyteller gains a not-in-play Minion ability.
Hatter Hatter If you died today or tonight, the Minion & Demon players may choose new Minion & Demon characters to be.


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Widow Widow On your first night, look at the Grimoire & choose a player: they are poisoned. 1 good player knows a Widow is in play.
Summoner Summoner You get 3 bluffs. On the 3rd night, choose a player: they become an evil Demon of your choice. [No Demon]
Mezepheles Mezepheles You start knowing a secret word. The 1st good player to say this word becomes evil that night.
Marionette Marionette You think you are a good character, but you are not. The Demon knows who you are. [You neighbor the Demon]


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Yaggababble Yaggababble You start knowing a secret phrase. For each time you said it publicly today, a player might die.
Kazali Kazali Each night*, choose a player: they die. [You choose which players are which Minions. -? to +? Outsiders]
Ojo Ojo Each night*, choose a character: they die. If they are not in play, the Storyteller chooses who dies.