
configuration for pre-commit and Ruff (as replacement for flake8 and black)

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

pre-commit config for Python projects

Here is my config for pre-commit, Ruff and CSpell code checks.

Use case: performs automated code style checks (linting), formatting and spell check on a (python) git repository

install pre-commit

pip3 install pre-commit

configure pre-commit

see https://pre-commit.com


configure ruff hook (linter and formatter)

see https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/


  • configures the Ruff linter and formatter hook
  • Ruff includes the features of these linters: flake8, pyupgrade and autoflake
  • Ruff includes the features of these formatters: black, isort, add-trailing-comma
  • Ruff offers a list of 700+ rules, see https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/rules/ for list
  • in my configuration I enabled most of them

To disable ruff checking of a (legacy) file or path, you can

  • add a # ruff: noqa comment inside that file
  • exclude via .ruff.toml: extend-exclude = ["src/MyFile1.py"]
  • exclude via .pre-commit-config.yaml
  • exclude via .gitignore file

To disable a certain rule for a file add

# ruff: noqa: D103

To disable a certain rule for a specific line of code: # noqa: D103

configure cspell hook (spell checker)

see https://cspell.org

run pre-commit manually

pre-commit run --all-files


pre-commit run --files myFile1.py myFile2.json

run pre-commit automated upon each git commit command

pre-commit install

to install the hook so it will be executed upon each local git commit command.

run pre-commit automated via GitHub Actions

Copy dir .github/workflows/ to your repo, to automatically trigger the run upon push of commits and creation of pull requests.

update pre-commit hooks to latest version

pre-commit autoupdate

to update versions of all hooks in .pre-commit-config.yaml to the latest version.