
:clipboard: Write a markdown based kanban board and have it converted to a nice image in your readme

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Readme Kanban Board

Write a markdown based kanban board in your README.md and have it converted to an image and injected in.


In your README.md, simply have a commented section like this, in the format:

# To Do
- Eat healthy food
- Exercise regularly
- Learn sign language

# In Progress
- Drink too much

# Done
- Regret my decisions
- Age too quickly

Which generates:

created by readme-kanban-board


npm i --save-dev readme-kanban-board


Add it to package.json scripts, similar to:

"scripts": {
  "readme-kanban-board": "readme-kanban-board"

Then fire it up by running:

npm run readme-kanban-board

Yes that's all well and good, but what does it actually do?

  • Finds kanban code in your README.md file
  • Parses it up
  • Generates a kanban board of it with HTML/CSS
  • Creates a screenshot of said HTML
  • Saves the image to repo
  • Injects/updates an image link in your README.md