
Site public du carrefour des innovations sociales

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



The official website for the project SocialConnect / aka (in French) Carrefour des Innovations Sociales

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  1. clone or download the repo

  2. install MongoDB locally or get the URI of the MongoDB you're using

  3. go to your cis folder

  4. use Python 2

  5. install python pip and virtualenv

     $ sudo apt install python-pip
     $ sudo apt install virtualenv
  6. install a virtual environment

     $ virtualenv venv
  7. install the libraries

     $ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
  8. if you encounter problems installing the requirements try to install the 'cryptography' library following those steps : [install crypto]

     $ pip install cryptography --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib" --global-option="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include"
  9. update the app/backend/config_secret_vars_example.py file with your mongoDB URI (if you're not using default mongoDB connection)

  10. got to your /cis folder and run :

     $ python run_cis_front.py --mode=testing
  11. Install Node.js and npm

  12. Build the front-end

     $ cd cis/app/frontend
     $ npm install
     $ npm run build
  13. (if you encounter problems while building try this)

     $ rm -rf cis/app/frontend/node_modules
     $ npm install 
     $ npm run build
  14. check in your browser at localhost:8100


  1. get a server - check digital ocean, OVH, ...
  2. optionnal : get a domain name : check OVH, namecheap, godaddy.... + setup DNS
  3. follow (most of) these instructions
  4. create a app/backend/config_secret_vars_prod.py file based on config_secret_vars_example.py structure
  5. go to app folder and create a virtual env (for instance called "venv")
  6. set up the gunicorn service and NGINX accordingly
  7. ... pray for all that to work as expected, and keep calm...

PRODUCTION : update code and deploy

cd /<your_app_folder>/<username>/app_cis/cis
git pull origin master
cd app/frontend
npm ci
npm run build
sudo systemctl restart cis_front

Creating the first admin account

Go to /register, create an account, then:

# Connect to MongoDB
# => mongo shell prompts

# Use cis-front database
use cis_front

# list users

# get the id of the user you want to move to admin
# abcdef

# Modify user
db.users.updateOne({_id: ObjectId('abcdef')}, {$set: {userAuthLevel: 'admin'}})

Then, you can login with your admin user which can change settings of other users


Tech stack


OpenScraper's team thanks :

Contacts - maintainance :

SCREENSHOTS (development)

landing page

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home for connected user

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search engine for connected user

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backoffice to manage users

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backoffice to manage feedbacks

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