
yolov5-hdcn is a project fusion with YOLOV5 and Half-Deformable Convolution, since the original dcn-v2 is not work on high version pytorch, we introduce the mmcv.


  • TensorrtX provide the implementation of yolov5 with TensorRT API.
  • MMCV provide the implementation of relative operations and TensorRT implementation.
  • Yolov5 provide the framework of Yolov5.

Floder torch-hdcn

Based this project provided yolov5-v6 we build the HDCN module and PIS loss.

Floder tensorrt-hdcn

Based this,we deploy our module in RTX3090,Jetson Nano, Jetson Tx2, which about 3x faster than the python implementation.

Quick Start

1 clone our project to your device

  • git clone https://github.com/entropyfeng/yolov5-hdcn.git

2 build our project and the more detail guidance can be achive from this.

cd {projectPath}
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..