This is a exploitation for CodiMD.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a DEVCORE Intern project. https://hackmd.io/@entroy/BJizrC8wh


python3 exploit.py -u url --headers headers
  • If you don't have requests, remember to pip3 install requests first.
  • url is the target including the note id.
    • http://target_ip_or_domain/note_id
  • headers is not required. If the target is private, protected or limited, you have to give a cookie to view the content. Mostly the cookie key is connect.sid.
  • If you find out that the target cannot use PUT method to edit the note, try the steps in payload file.
    • Just a note that PUT method can only edit a note that there is no users using.
  • You can build a vulnerable version of codimd using the docker compose file.


python3 exploit.py -u 'http://ip/note_id' --headers 'Cookie: connect.sid=connect.sid;'