A Java library to control RGB-LEDs and RGB-LED stripes on the Raspberry Pi.
how to use?
Pi RGB-LED is now available in the maven central repository. You can use it with maven like this:
To use it with the PiBorg LedBorg just instantiate the class and use it like this:
RGBLed rgbLed = new RGBLed(PinLayout.PIBORG_LEDBORG);
Other RGB-LEDs (that use PWM to controll the brightness of each color) can also be controlled but need a manual PinLayout. Just instantiate the PinLayout class with the appropriate pins for red, green and blue and pass them the the RGBLed constructor.
To control a Dyco RGB LED stripe with e.g. 50 LEDs you can use this library like this:
RGBLedStripe stripe = new RGBLedStripe(RaspiPin.GPIO_00, RaspiPin.GPIO_01, 50);
This will set all LEDs on the stripe to red. In this example GPIO_0 was connected to CLK and GPIO_1 to DATA (see http://pi4j.com/example/control.html#Wiring_Diagram). A dyco led stripe has the following connections:
The documentation for the used LEDs can be found here: http://www.kirronlightcomponents.com/images/downloads/dyco_led/dyco_led.pdf
You can buy the LEDs preassembled on a LED stripe or order them separatly and wire them yourself. Either way this library supports both setups.
how to build?
The entire project is build with maven. Just clone the master branch, open the directory in NetBeans and hit run. Or if you prefer the command line:
mvn install
should build everything correctly.