Entur - CircleCI Docs Orb CircleCI

This orb simplify pushing files to Google Cloud Storage.



Import the orb and give it a name. Add this to the orbs-key in your CircleCI-configuration:

 docs: entur/docs@volatile 
 # volatile selects the newest version. More examples of versioning here: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/creating-orbs/#semantic-versioning-in-orbs

Use the orb in your workflow like this:

  version: 2.1

    - entur-docs/publish-docs:
        context: global
        project-name: customers
        docs-path: docs

Available commands and jobs can be found in src. Usage examples in examples

Add $DOCKERHUB_LOGIN and $DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD credentials in your context to log in to Docker hub

Pack and publish orb

Make sure you have the CircleCI CLI:

curl -fLSs https://circle.ci/cli | bash 

Pack the contents of src/ to a single orb file:

circleci config pack ./src > orb.yml

Validate that the orb is valid:

circleci orb validate orb.yml

After commit & push to the repository, the orb will be automatically published as part of the workflow in CircleCI.

A dev-orb will be published as: entur/docs@dev:YOUR-BRANCH-NAME. Release orbs are created on push to the master branch.

You can read more here: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/creating-orbs/