
XML files exemplifying the Nordic NeTEx and SIRI profile

NeTEx and SIRI profile examples

Examples for the Nordic NeTEx and Norwegian SIRI profiles.

The profiles can be found at

NeTEx - https://enturas.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PUBLIC/pages/728891481/Nordic+NeTEx+Profile

SIRI - https://enturas.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PUBLIC/pages/637370420/Norwegian+SIRI+profile


Official NeTEx XSD repository: https://github.com/NeTEx-CEN/NeTEx

Official SIRI XSD repository (version 2.1 branch should be concidered a work in progress until official release, estimated late 2022): https://github.com/SIRI-CEN/SIRI/

Publication of last updated (semi-official) SIRI v2.0 XML schema:

PS: The "official" SIRI webpage (http://user47094.vs.easily.co.uk/siri/schema/schemas.htm) is NO LONGER UPDATED and its version 2.0 schemas are deprecated!